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Let's get you out there.

As a registered Friend of McLemore, you can request tee dates on the 18-hole Highlands Course. 
Simply complete the form and we'll contact you to complete the booking. 

tee-time requests
Once you select your desired tee date, the golf reservations team will prepare a quote for your visit.
Tee dates are subject to availability and are not confirmed until payment is collected. 

Want to speak to a golf representative? Please call 800-329-8154.

Friends of McLEmore benefits

There are no initiation fees or monthly dues required. Benefits include:

Access to play McLemore’s 18-hole Rees Jones and Bill Bergin Highlands course once per season with up to three guests

Access to play McLemore’s Highlands Course up to 4x annually (once per season

Access to dedicated tee times within 30-days of play on the Highlands Course, full access to open, non-member tee times within 14 days of play

Access to McLemore clubhouse, locker rooms, and restaurant on day of play

Cart fee included for Friends of McLemore at the Highlands Course 

Invitation to play in the Friends Open tournament each year

Friends of McLemore bag tag  

Online booking for desired tee times

Access to play The Keep (access and tee times to be announced) 

Customized Friends of McLemore golf gear

2024 Friends Packages for the Highlands Course:

o    Prepay for 2 rounds and get a 5% Discount 

o    Prepay for 3 rounds and get a 10% Discount 

o    Prepay for 4 rounds and get a 15% Discount 

Entry into annual drawing for Friends of McLemore (must enter on day of play to qualify) Exact prize to be announced!


Don't need help planning? Book Online.

Friends of McLemore tee times are available to reserve online. Follow the link below to book your round online.
Contact us at 800-329-8154 for help or additional questions.